Angry walk V1

Naughty Alex, working on things completely out of sequence...

Mucking about, trying to get an "angry" walk for the last section — I think it's going alright, just having some trouble getting the arcs on the hips right as he brings his leg up and over. I find animating walks on the spot much more difficult in terms of planning arcs — I'm going to try spreading it out so he walks across the screen to see if that makes it easier. I think the trouble is that he raises his leg too high when he brings it up. I could probably make it work if I tweaked it hard enough but I think I might just try dropping it down to see if it makes it easier.

I think I need to try delaying the knee slightly as it's in the air to help give the leg more power when the heel comes down to strike the ground. Probably need to bring the leg on the contact position forward a bit too.

Rather than having the heel rise up on the up position I might try keeping the heel flat on the floor. I like how the pose looks with him really thrusting forward but I'm wondering if that's causing difficulty with getting the leg arcs right. I think he needs to drop down more on the inbetweens between the up and contact positions. His leg bends but his body doesn't drop much — I think I probably messed up the leg lengths!

I'm trying to shoot things on twos instead of ones to cut my workload in half. I'm not very good at planning things for twos — always comes out looking too slow!  

(Agh, I know what I mean to say... it's been a long day and I'm tired!)


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Rockfort (hope I spelled that right) is already making me laugh. Each one of his walks is full of character and I don't think he needs to say anything for me to understand the emotion he's feeling at the time. I can tell he is NOT happy here :P I can imagine his hands in tight fists and swinging his arms stiffly from side to side throughout this walk. LOL he is definitely quite the character! Why don't you try cutting a frame or two as he steps down to make it look like he's making a serious stamp with each step. That way I'll get the impression that he's got a motive to be a walking tank while expressing the words, "Don't you even dare to mess with me today!" Just like a 4x4 :P

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